pdw2107 wrote:
I managed to import and georeference the maps from "Høydata". They are OK with plenty of detail. However when I import the DEM from the same website the Georeferenced maps all appear to be wrongly placed on the DEM. They are a long way to the right, though the northern parameters seem to be OK.
So, did you georeference your map manually, with the 3+1 point method? You may have ended up in the wrong UTM zone.
However, the question then arises: are the DEM coordinates wrong, or the georeferenced maps?
The DEM comes with built-in geo-coordinates. That can be taken as the correct reference.
I think I will try getting DEMS from Open Street Maps
You mean raster maps. They don't do elevation data there.
Regarding your question on where I got the PDF maps: those came from a different but related server:
https://www.norgeskart.no/#!?project=no ... =396722.00I see. That's a slightly different map to the one I found.
Nonetheless, you can try the one below for
Map Tiles, specs from
https://www.geonorge.no/aktuelt/om-geon ... og-api-er/Download and unpack
https://transdem.de/download/public/misc/GeoNorge.zipor copy the code beneath and save as geonorge.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<TileServer version="1.0" >
<Provider name="GeoNorge" guid="1ee6ef23-18cf-469c-aedb-0acbeb633507" >
<URL guid="0a5379cd-c9b3-4a2a-b87c-7e7ff32620b8" addr="http://opencache.statkart.no/" prefix="gatekeeper/gk/gk.open_gmaps?layers=topo4" standalone="1" type="1" >
<Matrix order="2" prefixClm="&x=" prefixRow="&y=" prefixZoom="&zoom=" minZoom="1" maxZoom="20" />
<Mercator origLat="90" origLon="-180" signLat="-1" signLon="1" projection="4" />
<URL name="Nautical" guid="660db5e3-3e00-46b3-a258-72b7964cb8c5" addr="http://opencache.statkart.no/" prefix="gatekeeper/gk/gk.open_gmaps?layers=sjokartraster" standalone="1" type="8" >
<Matrix order="2" prefixClm="&x=" prefixRow="&y=" prefixZoom="&zoom=" minZoom="1" maxZoom="17" />
<Mercator origLat="90" origLon="-180" signLat="-1" signLon="1" projection="4" />
Import the xml file into the
TransDEM map tile client, under "Settings".
You will find it under "GeoNorge".
The online rendering of "norgeskart" is more detailed than the "statkart" map tile rendering for some zoom levels.