It had been waiting on my (virtual) desktop for some time: Map tiles for Austria. There is this rather new portal "". Implemented as a WMTS, they fortunately chose the standard Mercator projection, as it is used by OpenStreetMap and most other providers of map tile services. Hence, the TransDEM client can access them. There are a few variants but you basically can have the map and hi-res ortho-images. The "Grey" map offers contour lines. From the "Relief" variant it appears that hi-res LIDAR DEMs exist for the entire country, but I have not looked for the primary data sources.
As usual, copy the code into a text editor, save as xml and import with the TransDEM Map Tile client.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<TileServer version="1.0" >
<Provider name="" guid="e712ea2d-d201-4eba-a6fe-a9899c35ddae" >
<URL guid="75d8cc33-ac5d-473e-9d1a-a0e7d58cdad1" addr="" prefix="basemap/bmaporthofoto30cm/normal/google3857" standalone="1" postfix=".jpeg" >
<Matrix order="3" prefixClm="/" prefixRow="/" prefixZoom="/" minZoom="1" maxZoom="20" />
<Mercator origLat="90" origLon="-180" signLat="-1" signLon="1" projection="4" />
<URL guid="465f6f85-8fc0-4c31-9d8c-6d7cb4fde938" addr="" prefix="basemap/geolandbasemap/normal/google3857" standalone="1" type="1" postfix=".png" >
<Matrix order="3" prefixClm="/" prefixRow="/" prefixZoom="/" minZoom="1" maxZoom="20" />
<Mercator origLat="90" origLon="-180" signLat="-1" signLon="1" projection="4" />
<URL guid="1f36bd67-fbe5-402e-a8b8-bd6aa9ffd2a9" addr="" prefix="basemap/bmapoverlay/normal/google3857" type="2" postfix=".png" >
<Matrix order="3" prefixClm="/" prefixRow="/" prefixZoom="/" minZoom="1" maxZoom="20" />
<Mercator origLat="90" origLon="-180" signLat="-1" signLon="1" projection="4" />
<URL guid="54df5597-83b4-463a-8ea9-ff4ed3af31f6" addr="" prefix="basemap/bmapgelaende/grau/google3857" standalone="1" type="3" postfix=".jpeg" >
<Matrix order="3" prefixClm="/" prefixRow="/" prefixZoom="/" minZoom="1" maxZoom="20" />
<Mercator origLat="90" origLon="-180" signLat="-1" signLon="1" projection="4" />
<URL name="Grey" guid="3df8b67f-d397-460b-a4f5-1947496b4549" addr="" prefix="basemap/bmapgrau/normal/google3857" standalone="1" type="8" postfix=".png" >
<Matrix order="3" prefixClm="/" prefixRow="/" prefixZoom="/" minZoom="1" maxZoom="20" />
<Mercator origLat="90" origLon="-180" signLat="-1" signLon="1" projection="4" />