G'day TalonTruLock,
If I have read your 'dilemma' correctly, there are two ways you can use to only display the Raster Maps you have procured in the TransDEM workspace window. The first of these is to ONLY load the relevant Raster Map file (the "master" *.lgb file you created for the route) when you start work, without loading the other two files. This method also applies if you only want to display the DEM data but it should be noted that the Route Polyline CANNOT be loaded, ALONE (under any circumstances) nor can it be displayed, without either the DEM data or the Raster maps being already loaded. The second option, assuming you have already opened the DEM data file, the Raster map file and the Route Polyline file, is to use the appropriate Menu listings, the Tab Bar Buttons or the Keyboard Shortcuts (if any exist) to "hide" any of the three sets of data (there are options to "hide" - and "display" - ALL three sets, available). A quick perusal through the excellent manual (press [F1] at any time after TransDEM is opened for the Help file to open in a separate window) will tell you which buttons perform which function...
Jerker {:)})