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Update Trainz Edition 2.6.* - 2.6.5 (English/German, 32bit)
Update Trainz Edition 2.6.* - 2.6.5 (English/German, 64bit)
These are free updates for TransDEM 2.6 users. They require the full TransDEM product being installed, minimum version Please verify that you download the correct variant for your installation, 32 or 64 bit.
The update is cumulative again. It will figure out which version is currently installed and patch it to the latest one.
- Support for Belgian hi-res LIDAR DEMs. This required a new EPSG code for the Belgian Lambert coordinate system and also a tiny GeoTIFF reader modification for more flexible handling of so-called "planar configurations". ... 7af92.html - New TransDEM customers in the last few weeks will already have received this version.
- Support for Japanese DEMs in GML file format, an XML variant, and addition of the Japanese geodetic datums JGD2000 and JGD2011. These are treated by TransDEM as an equivalent to WGS84. There is 10m and 5m data. There are a few obstacles, though. Those who want to try should either speak the language or use online translation, as the relevant web pages are all in Japanese:
You also need to register a (free) account to be able to download data. Data is pre-packaged and can be select via a map window. Unfortunately, the DEMs come with many black holes. This includes all water bodies. Post-processing is needed. Presumably the easiest way is to fill up with SRTM data. See screenshots below. - Australia has a new geodetic datum GDA2020, which has also been added to TransDEM and again treated like WGS84. And there is a geo data server for Queensland which offers topo maps and ortho imagery in GeoPDF file format:
I made the necessary changes to GeoPDF in TransDEM to be able handle these files. - Manually entered georferencing parameters are now cached for the session and will be used as the preset for the next file to be read. This will save a few mouse clicks.
- All vector drawings in the main window, coordinate grid, route polylines, triangles etc are now drawn with anti-aliasing. TransDEM does not use the GPU, but anti-aliasing is also available for CPU rendering, via the GPU+ API, and TransDEM now finally makes use of this feature.
- Coordinate labels in the main window are now better readable, always drawn with a distinct background, even if no raster maps are loaded.
- DEM shading is now active by default. You can switch it off again and your choice will be saved in the user settings. Reason to activate it is that almost any user screenshot of TransDEM seen in the forums shows the DEM with flat colours. While theoretically there is all information in them, it's rather difficult for the human eye to really figure out the details. With shading, the DEMs gets a pseudo-3D texture and its structure becomes much clearer. See the side-by-side comparison in the screenshots below.