TransDEM Forum

Polyline offset
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Author:  SAR704 [ 19 Apr 2024 15:38 ]
Post subject:  Polyline offset

With the higher zoom levels, any parallel poly lines need to be highly accurate for them to enable a continuous UTM overlay without gaps. At the moment, I am tracing an old route, in which I cannot afford to blunder the distance of the parallel poly line with TransDEM. It needs to be around 600 metres from the track. If it is too far, I end up with gaps in the coverage, when it's generated. If it's too close, then the coverage is simply too close to the track, and it is less effective for placing Scenery.

An offset option would enable one to have parallel poly lines at a fixed distance from the centre one, without them stockpiling on top of each other. IE where the track takes a 90 degree turn, and they all end up in exactly the same place, unless one manually places them at a certain distance from another one.

Any suggestions here Roland? The overlay could take up to a week to generate at worst. If I cover the full route, then multiple whatever it is by about 3-4. But I have no interest in doing such for now.

And also, is there a way to add say a polyline worth of UTMs in one session? IE add say one with 18 zoom, then add a second and third parallel line at some other point. It would reduce the chances of the dreaded 'follow up error getting map'. Because it would require a less continuous internet connection. Internet where I am is absolutely awful, and cuts out all the time. What I mean is adding one without the previously generated overlay disappearing.

Author:  geophil [ 24 Apr 2024 17:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Polyline offset

SAR704 wrote:
An offset option would enable one to have parallel poly lines at a fixed distance from the centre one, without them stockpiling on top of each other. IE where the track takes a 90 degree turn, and they all end up in exactly the same place, unless one manually places them at a certain distance from another one.
I have done something like that a couple of years ago, but in the C# language, not in C++. And in a completely different application domain. I sometimes miss such a feature myself for TransDEM, but won't make promises here.

SAR704 wrote:
And also, is there a way to add say a polyline worth of UTMs in one session? IE add say one with 18 zoom, then add a second and third parallel line at some other point. It would reduce the chances of the dreaded 'follow up error getting map'.
No chance here, unfortunately. Server behavior is unpredictable.

Author:  SAR704 [ 17 May 2024 08:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Polyline offset

As is the internet. I think I read this reply. But didn't get around to posting anything else.

Anyhow, with gaps in the UTM overlay, how does one fill tiny gaps without having to regenerate the entirety of UTMs? For example, a small blunder with the distance of poly lines causes tiny black squares in between two UTM portions.

Is there an easy fix for this? Or do I have to spend 20+ hours redoing it from scratch? I notice that it tends to remove the overlay when a new request for UTMs is made, or however it's worded.

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